(49 seconds in)
It was a huge occasion. A world Cup quarter final encounter: England v Argentina. Two football heavyweights, with dreams of lifting the trophy. One player made all the difference and would lead his team on to the ultimate football glory: Maradona!
A 1st Person view
Drop 10 yards deeper into the England half, outside the centre circle. We have good possession. Find space between and behind the two England midfielders. Demand the ball from our deep midfielder. Great pass: The ball is coming at good pace. Turn sideways to let the ball come across for a left turn/open out spin. Not enough time: the defender is closing too fast and will nick the ball on the control touch. Okay feint to let it come across but snap the ball across body and into the space backwards to lose the defender. See the other defender no 16, close in. No time: Jump towards the ball with left foot landing on top and spin the body, to roll the ball quickly away from him sideways. See the space to the right. Burst forward with a left push touch out into that space. Sprint!
The pitch opens up ahead. Sprint away from the defenders, running into the inside right channel of the England half, about 40 yards out. Push the ball again into the space ahead. Here he comes. The central defender is approaching to close down. Slow down the sprint, get the ball tight on the feet. Touch the ball every stride. Attack him straight on. He's overbalanced to show down the wing. Easy; jink to the right and push the ball inside left with the left foot. Done him. Sprint forward.
Now hitting the edge of the centre right box. Next central defender closes. He's making the same mistake, closing into tackle. Slow the run a bit, suck him in. This time, slight touch to the left with the outside of the left foot and jink right, pushing the ball into the space behind him. Power, pace, unstoppable.
See the goalkeeper Shilton approach to narrow the angle. Keep the pace high/fast. Twist the body out to feint to pass the ball across him into the far corner. He's committed, now pull the ball across him to the right side, away from his feet/hands. Clear! Protect the ball from the defender on the right and finish into the open goal with a left side foot pass to make sure. Goal!
Nobody’s going to stop me
Maradona made this look like he was playing on the streets and parks with his mates. It was one of those moments of ok! I'm just going to take you all on and score. Nobody's going to stop me. And boy did he succeed. It's notable that these were seasoned, experienced England defenders and a Goalkeeper considered to be best in the world at the time.
So, is it the best goal ever?
It's certainly one of the greatest goals of all time. The level of the opposition, the occasion, and the sheer exhilarating speed and skill shown are incredible. Maradona's determination, composure, speed of thought and reaction to the moments circumstance on the pitch, is breathtaking to watch at live speed. It's the beauty of football and live sport. It's not choreographed, it's like magic!
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Be The One!
Aaron Tighe
Founder One2Pro